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Cosmic Equation

Troy Lowndes

I coined the term Cosmic Equation a few months back while working on an article titled The Power of Music in Everyday Observations.

In a recent chat with some friends, one of them asked where the phrase came from. Without thinking, I quickly sent them a link to some notes I’d written called Spooky at a Distance. That simple exchange sparked a deep dive into its origins, leading me to question: had I really come up with it myself, or had it been shaped by past experiences? I was determined to find out.

That search led me somewhere unexpected. I found myself increasingly drawn to mathematics and cosmology subjects I’d never really paid much attention to until about a year ago. Throughout my 20s, 30s, and most of my 40s (even back in my teenage years after leaving school at the end of Year 10), maths was something I had little interest in. Now, to my surprise, it’s become a source of fascination and inspiration.

Here’s a symbolic representation of Cosmic Equation and what it means to me.

My Take

This isn’t about crunching numbers—it’s a playful mix of ideas, where each “variable” stands for a part of how I see the world.

Imagine it like this:

Let’s say:

• R = Reality – seeing things as they really are.

• D = Diversity – that spark which keeps us engaged and focused.

• Y = Yearning – the drive, the desire to achieve more.

• N = Nature – signify all of the natural phenomena around us.

• C = Cosmic Connection – what some might call “spooky action at a distance.”

• I = Ironic Intuition – that unexpected insight, a bit like finding a lost limb of understanding.

• E = Elaborate Equations – where chance and order, coincidence and alignment, come together like stars in the night sky.

What Does M Represent?

In this equation, M is the Manifestation of meaning, connection, and understanding. It’s the point where reality, diversity, and natural forces mix with our deep-seated yearnings, connecting us to something much larger—a cosmic interplay that’s as mysterious as it is beautiful.

Think of M as the matrix that holds it all together. While life can seem like a random series of events, there’s actually an intricate web of interconnections subtly guiding our experiences.

This equation isn’t a strict set of rules, though. Rather, it’s a guide—a way to explore the complexities, the beauty, and the mystery of life. It’s a space where science and intuition, logic and emotion, the known and unknown, can all coexist.

A Nod to Science

In cosmology, there’s a method called “cosmic equation of state,” which links the pressure (p) and energy density (ρ) of the universe, often written as p = wρ (with w being a parameter that tells you about the type of energy). This helps us understand how different forms of energy—like matter, radiation, and dark energy—affect the universe’s expansion.

My version is a playful, more personal spin on that concept. It’s a nod to something that’s usually very theoretical and only really grasped by a select few. Even among experts, there’s sayings such as “spooky action at a distance” to describe the phenomenon.

Some Final Thoughts

For me, the Cosmic Equation is a lens through which I view the universe. It’s a reminder that everything—our thoughts, our relationships, our struggles, and our inspirations—is connected in both obvious and subtle ways. Even if we can’t always see the pattern, it’s there, quietly shaping our journey beyond the bounds of pure logic.

Life isn’t just a random series of events. It’s an equation waiting to be solved—not with strict numbers, but through experience, curiosity, and a good bit of wonder.

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